Creating Landing Pages in Marketo – I

Email marketing and lead generation is quite important for any business and there are multiple tool for this purpose. Most of tools provide one or other feature but Marketo is among top software with all feature for your business growth in single account. 78th on the Inc. 500, #7 among software companies, and #1 among marketing software companies, Marketo form integration is quite simplified.

Creating a form in Marketo:

There are 4 steps involved in this:
1. Create landing page template
2. Create landing page
3. Create form
4. Add form to landing page Continue reading

How to Login using Email Address in WordPress

Default option allow ‘username’ only to login in WordPress. Allowing login using email is a general approach in most cases and here is a quick code snippet to allow login in WordPress using email address as well username:

function login_with_email_address($username) {
$user = get_user_by(’email’,$username);
$username = $user->user_login;
return $username;

You can also change ‘username’ label in to ‘Username / Email’ using:

function change_username_wps_text($text){
if(in_array($GLOBALS[‘pagenow’], array(‘wp-login.php’))){
if ($text == ‘Username’){$text = ‘Username / Email’;}
return $text;
add_filter( ‘gettext’, ‘change_username_wps_text’ );

No change in core files is required and just by adding these in functions.php you can have provide more flexible login option to user.

How to disable WordPress admin bar

Here is a quick tip to disable admin bar in WordPress

Disable the WordPress Admin Bar for all Users and Visitors
remove_action( ‘init’, ‘_wp_admin_bar_init’ );

Enable the WordPress Admin Bar for admins only
if ( !current_user_can( ‘manage_options’ ) ) {
remove_action( ‘init’, ‘_wp_admin_bar_init’ );

Think. Reflect. Act

So here we are with a New Year, leaving old memories behind. This is my first post for 2014 and I thought it to be something special and for same decided to share something which reflect a new hope and sunshine of coming good time. Recently while browsing Youtube I saw this video and through to share it in this post.

Its an awesome video by Whistling Woods International on women empowerment, and first non technical post on this blog.

Who owns the internet?

Ever tried to think on this? Well most of us haven’t. We use it, love it, need it to do most of our work today but know this and never gave it a thought. : |

ICANN has released a “living” graphic aimed to provide a high-level view of how the internet is run attuned for those less familiar with the inner workings of the internet infrastructure ecosystem. Quoting from the document:

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How to change Status field automatically from Active to Deactivate without crawler or sql agent


First, let me thanks to my colleague Rajnish for this post.

When a user registers in the database, there is one field status and we manually set it Active(By Default).
When the user reaches his ExpiryDate, we have to set Status field from Active to Deactive by Admin Panel.

We can achieve this in an easy way by simply using Computed Column.

What is Computed Column ?
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How to force www prefix in PHP and Asp.Net

How to prefix WWW to URL in PHP and ASP.NET

It is quite important to understand difference between URL prefixed with www and without www.

There seems to be not much difference in those as both represent same URL but this can be pain while coding some if its a bad day. It also make a difference in case of SEO and better to have uniformity in all URLs of website.

If you have adedicated server with IIS, its quite easy to force website to have each URL prefixed with www but in case of shared hosting you may be required to make some addition in code to acheive this. Here is a code snippet to force URL to prefix www in
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Why Hire a Consultant?


Why do companies update or upgrade their systems and equipment?

One reason is to be perceived by their clients as up-to-date and relevant with current technology. Other times the motivation is to increase productivity and profitability; or to cut expense and streamline operations. Whatever the reasons, the temptation often is to decrease project expense by utilizing internal resources or hiring hourly contractors to research the various manufacturers’ products.

If you are tech savvy in a company looking for new ways to increase profitability, productivity or customer retention with technology, you may have experienced something like the story below:

The Production Manager of a major regional newspaper runs his fingers through his hair in frustration. Looking at his desktop, he realizes that, once again, he is going to be working through lunch and after hours to do his regular job. Yet again, he turns his attention back to the white pages sent by the person hired to research the new IT systems being installed next year. Composing several questions for the sake of clarification, he embarks on an email dialogue knowing that this is only the beginning of a large, quickly overwhelming task.
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